Square peg, round hole.

What do people actually mean when they say that? That you're weird? Definitely different? A bit odd? A misfit? In a good way? Or a bad way? It's a phrase that people use to generally state that someone doesn't exactly fit in. But how do you feel if you are the one on the receiving end of such phrase?

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sharon caddie
Riots, raves and running a record label.

Yeah, that's the title of Alan McGee's book, not my memoirs that I've started to jot down. I read his book in two sittings and surprised myself as I actually enjoyed it and came to like the guy. Not that I disliked him before, I've never met him (but if you're reading this I'd love to). I was indifferent to him. I was, like everyone else, aware of the bands he discovered, the ones he managed, the politics, the parties, the press. A lot of it welcome attention, along with the trials and tribulations of what goes on in the music industry. But it sounds like he had one big f*cking party. And lived to tell the tale. Just.

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sharon caddie
Write more, write better.

That's what I've been reading about lately. I'm not making any promises to myself but if I make a conscious effort to do it then I should just bloody get on with it. I tell my clients this all the time. Just write a blog...write about what you're reading, what someone said to you today that made you think...what you questioned yourself about today...what you enjoyed doing this week...what you're listening too...what got your goat. And yet, I haven't written on here since, well, since far too long.

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sharon caddie
Hair raising stuff.

That's what some of the stylists were thinking when I was pointing a camera in their face last week. Clients were getting the most precise haircuts as the staff were seriously concentrating on what they were doing because I was hovering around them and turning up at their shoulder when they least expected it.

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sharon caddie
Cleansed and I'm done.

going. Some people continue with certain elements of it but I now wanted to take this feeling good a bit further and seeing as I had so much more energy I wanted to get back to exercising. Or at least doing something. Tough Mudder seems a long way off since I completed it last year and haven't really done anything since. Today I'm working on a plan to keep going and organising my food, vitamins etc and continue what I started.

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sharon caddie
Foil blocked beauties.

I recently did some work for a beauty place that is within the Kevin O'Neill Hair salon in Merchant City, Glasgow. The client wanted something that would compliment the colours and surroundings of the salon including the work I'd just produced for them. She also loved the G . F Smith business cards I'd designed. Did someone say foil blocking?

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sharon caddie
Day 6+7 and muffins.

I decided to do days 6 & 7 together as this C9 Cleanse has become a bit of a way of life and isn't such a chore anymore. That's a good thing right? Like I said before, I'm already thinking about how I'll keep this up and planning for Wednesday morning when the cleanse is all done and dusted.

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sharon caddie
The Fratellis live at BBC Scotland.

I was lucky enough to get invited along to The Quay Sessions with Edith Bowman on Wednesday. Okay, it's a given that if The Fratellis are playing in Glasgow I'm usually there, thanks to my bestie. Even more awesome when you get a front row seat. Rachel Sermanni was playing a live session too, the sun was out in Glasgow for the first time in...well...months. It was already promising to be a good night.

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