7 months since my last post. Oh the shame.


Why the shame? Because I berate my clients for not blogging enough. I really need to take my own advice. So what have I been doing? No, I haven't been gallivanting around the world as some people think. I know I have a penchant for leaving the country rather frequently but I've been in good old miserable Glasgow. And by miserable I mean the weather as it hasn't exactly been a summer of sun has it?

Freelance this summer (rainy season more like) has been quiet but that's been a blessing in disguise. I've been busy beavering away on some new small business brands - which I've yet to add to my site also but I'm getting to that too - and my side project Text From A Friend has grown arms and legs so that's been taking up my time these last few months.

The side project is also another reason why I've been anchored in Glasgow. Creating a business that relies on physically printing and posting items out to customers means I can't just turn my online shops on and off when I feel like it. I didn't think that one through did I? Especially as it seems to have somewhat curbed my wanderlust. Just a tad mind you, as I've recently come back from Cyprus and Berlin but that's another story...

Text From A Friend (herein known as TFAF) has boomed in the last few months as I made a conscious effort to start pushing it, bought my very own hot foil press, created a bigger range including a wedding collection that has taken off in a huge way and has come as an even bigger surprise. And then the Scottish Wedding Directory found me online, asked for some samples and et voila my first card was featured in a promotion alongside Jack Daniels. Well, I didn't see that one coming did I? But with the powers of t'internet and social media I am certainly beginning to make a living out of this side project that was once just an idea to make money while I slept.

Oh how I never thought of the reality. And now it takes up several hours of my time everyday. Not to mention working on new ideas, handwriting the designs, handpressing the metal dies, photographing the finished product, folding and packaging, adding to three different online sales sites, writing quirky descriptions for each product, promoting said products on social media and then when a sale comes in (I really do get excited), picking, writing the envelope and trekking to the post office. All on a daily basis. So much so the Post Office staff all know me as the Girl With The Rude Cards.

I'm happy with that. It still surprises me that people want to buy something I've created, handpressed and sweated over when it comes to paper and foil choices. Nothing but the best paper of course from GF Smith and Fedrigoni. That's the art director with the stationery addiction coming out in me. 

I was also bloody chuffed when I got accepted as a Not On The High Street Partner. When I applied, on a whim might I add, I never expected to get chosen. That email sure made my day! It's taken the brand to another level and now I'm on a mission to take it further. 

Why the hell not?

sharon caddie